American Heart Association Courses
Morongo Basin Ambulance provides the following schedule of Courses:
Click here to see our current class schedule.
Students must bring the current AHA manual for their specific course(s). If they are unable to purchase one independently, MBA will sell one for an additional fee.
Student can register by contacting 760-366-8474 option 5 or email cbell@mbambulance.org. Students who register for classes must RSVP no later than three (3) days before the class start date.
Note: All courses are free for MBA employees.
COURSE LOCATION: 6335 Park Blvd, Joshua Tree, CA, 92252
Once payment is received, requests for refunds, cancellations, or to reschedule, made more than 24 hours before the class start date/time will be credited towards the next scheduled class only.
Requests for refunds, cancellations or to reschedule, made less than 24 hours before the class start date / time will not be honored and any payment(s) already collected will be forfeited by the student. At no time are refunds given for books purchased from MBA.
For group and on-site rates, or if any further information is needed, call us at (760) 366-8474 and select option 3. Or, email cbell@mbambulance.org6335